Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tasty Diabetic-Friendly Recipes part 1

Applesauce Pancakes

Applesauce Pancakes

Trading butter for applesauce is a healthy way to cut out excess fat and still enjoy the sweetness of pancakes
Honey Grapefruit With Banana

Honey Grapefruit With Banana

This fruity dish is a perfect breakfast or dessert plate. Grapefruit ranks low on the glycemic index, and the dish uses mint, a 'free food' to add flavor.
Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry Muffins

This dessert uses equal parts sugar and calorie-free sweetener, which is a great option for diabetic recipes. Artificial sweeteners allow for some wiggle room in the sweets department and add fewer carbohydrates to the dish.
Veggie Sausage-Cheddar Frittata

Veggie Sausage-Cheddar Frittata

A serving of this dish contains only 10 carbohydrates. Simple substitutes like veggie sausage, reduced-fat cheese, and egg whites also cut back on unhealthy saturated fat.
Barley and Black Bean Salad

Barley and Black Bean Salad

A serving of this salad is perfect for lunch. It's high in carbohydrates, but packs in 12 grams of fiber and is low in cholesterol.
Veggie Tostadas

Veggie Tostadas

Use this Basic Tostada recipe and then layer on extra fiber-rich veggies. The American Diabetes Association recommends subtracting half the number of fiber grams from the total grams of carbohydrates (but only for meals with at least 5 grams of fiber). This gives a better estimate of your food's carb count.


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